WayUp Sports' Journey Unveiled

In a dynamic move reshaping the landscape of sports e-commerce, Egypt's WayUp Sports has clinched a substantial seed round of funding. The investment, led by Beltone Venture Capital, Index Sports Fund, and strategic angel investors, is poised to propel WayUp Sports into a phase of regional expansion, the introduction of a private brand, and a heightened focus on elevating user experience.

Bridging Gaps in Performance-Based Sportswear

Established in 2021, WayUp Sports emerged with a distinct vision – to cater to the burgeoning demand for diverse and performance-centric sports gear. The startup carved a niche for itself by addressing the need for specialized sportswear and equipment. Following a remarkable nine-fold growth since its pre-seed funding round last year, WayUp Sports stands as a testament to its commitment to excellence.

A Robust Ecosystem of Brands

WayUp Sports strategically aligned itself with over 70 local and international brands, fostering a diverse ecosystem. This ecosystem, meticulously crafted, spans more than 15 sports and encompasses an impressive array of over 10,000 products. The startup's outreach has transcended boundaries, serving the athletic needs of a commendable 100,000 customers.

Key Players Backing WayUp Sports

The undisclosed seed funding round witnessed the enthusiastic participation of Beltone Venture Capital, Index Sports Fund, and select strategic angel investors. This financial infusion is earmarked for pivotal initiatives, including regional expansion, the unveiling of an exclusive WayUp Sports brand, and the continuous refinement of the user experience.

Scaling Heights with Trust and Vision

Expressing his excitement, Mohamed Afifi, co-founder, and co-CEO of WayUp Sports, emphasized the significance of the seed round in fueling the company's growth. He underlined the rising demand and potential in the local and regional market, expressing gratitude for the backing received from investors who share and support their vision.

Strategic Perspective: Leading the Sports Retail Sector

Ali Mokhtar, CEO of Beltone Venture Capital, echoed his excitement in supporting WayUp Sports on its journey. He identified WayUp Sports as the most promising company, showcasing significant operational performance and business growth within the rapidly expanding market. Mokhtar emphasized that with ambitious expansion plans, WayUp Sports is poised to take the lead as the premier platform in the region.