
Female-run or "female-empowering" startups in South Africa and Kenya are presented with a unique opportunity to accelerate their growth through the RaiseReady programme. This seven-week initiative, organized by Viridian, aims to support founders in sourcing, pitching, and securing investment from African angel investors efficiently and equitably.

About RaiseReady

Viridian, an impact agency specializing in designing and delivering programmes for early-stage entrepreneurs and investors across Africa, spearheads the RaiseReady programme. Tailored to the needs of female entrepreneurs, RaiseReady equips participants with the necessary knowledge, confidence, and tools to navigate the angel investment landscape successfully.

Closing the Investment Gap

Unlike traditional entrepreneurship programmes focused on refining business models and pitching techniques, RaiseReady focuses on bridging the gap between startups and angel investors. The programme assists founders in understanding the intricacies of the angel investment process, preparing them to negotiate fair deals, and ensuring their investment case resonates with potential investors.

Key Objectives

RaiseReady aims to demystify the angel investment process, providing founders with insights into market-related valuation, deal negotiation, and investor expectations. Participants will receive valuable feedback from experienced angel investors and gain exposure to active angels interested in their respective regions or sectors.

Ideal Candidates

The programme targets startups with validated, scalable, and competitive business models, poised to attract angel investment. Applicants should demonstrate a strong investment opportunity for angel investors and possess a solid foundation of market traction and customer validation.

Application Process

Entrepreneurs interested in participating in the RaiseReady programme can apply through the provided link. The seven-week programme is scheduled to commence at the end of May, offering selected participants a comprehensive learning experience and valuable networking opportunities.

RaiseReady represents a significant opportunity for female entrepreneurs in South Africa and Kenya to elevate their businesses and access crucial funding support. By empowering founders with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate the angel investment landscape, the programme plays a vital role in fostering a vibrant ecosystem of female-led startups across Africa.