Bridging the Gender Financing Gap

In a bid to address the glaring gender financing gap in Africa, Growth4Her (G4Her) announces the launch of its six-month Investor Readiness Accelerator Programme. This initiative aims to equip women entrepreneurs in West and Central Africa with the necessary tools and knowledge to elevate their businesses from small-scale ventures to high-potential, fundable enterprises.

Fostering Growth and Opportunity

G4Her's mission is to empower women-owned businesses by providing them with the capacity and resources essential for growth. Through a comprehensive accelerator program, participants will receive invaluable mentorship, guidance, and access to networks crucial for their advancement.

Applications Now Open

Entrepreneurs are invited to apply for cohort three of the programme, with applications being accepted until March 4. G4Her is specifically targeting women-led businesses in Nigeria and Cameroon that demonstrate substantial growth potential. Eligible businesses should have a workforce ranging from five to 300 employees, sales figures between US$35,000 and US$15 million, and assets valued between US$100,000 and US$15 million.

Seizing Opportunities for Growth

By joining the Growth4Her Investor Readiness Accelerator Programme, women entrepreneurs in West and Central Africa can unlock unparalleled opportunities for growth and development. This initiative serves as a catalyst for their journey towards building sustainable and successful businesses, ultimately contributing to the economic empowerment of women across the region.

Apply now to embark on a transformative journey with Growth4Her and take your business to new heights of success. Together, let's redefine the future of entrepreneurship in Africa.