
In a pivotal move towards advancing digital connectivity in Togo, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) has joined forces with Togocom, a prominent Togolese mobile operator and subsidiary of AXIAN Telecom. This collaboration, fueled by a €55 million loan structured in partnership with Société Générale Benin and Ecobank Togo, is set to catalyze Togocom's digital transformation journey.

Empowering Togocom's Modernization

The substantial €55 million loan infusion is earmarked to empower Togocom in modernizing its infrastructure, with a specific focus on expanding its 4G network and enhancing data traffic quality. The strategic vision behind this partnership is to not only improve access to cutting-edge technology but also to generate new economic opportunities for the people of Togo.

A Decisive Step Towards Digital Inclusion

Cina Lawson, Minister of Digital Economy and Transformation of Togo, views the collaboration with IFC as a decisive step in bolstering access to equipment and high-speed internet. The overarching goal is to weave a digital fabric that reaches every corner of the country, fostering inclusivity and creating a pathway to economic empowerment.

AXIAN Telecom's Footprint

As an integral part of AXIAN Telecom, Togocom stands as a key player with a customer base spanning eight African countries, serving approximately 38 million users. The strategic investment by IFC aligns seamlessly with Togo's Digital Transformation Strategy, which envisions widespread connectivity and internet access as foundational pillars of progress.

Ambitious Targets: 4G Coverage and Fiber Networks

This investment positions Togocom to extend its 4G coverage and fiber networks, contributing significantly to Togo's Digital Transformation Strategy. The national strategy sets ambitious targets, aiming for 95% population coverage and internet connectivity for key facilities by 2025.

CEO Perspective: Championing Digitalization in Togo

Pierre Antoine Legagneur, Chief Executive Officer of Togocom, expresses pride in the pivotal role the company plays in advancing Togo's digital transformation. This investment, according to Legagneur, underscores their dedication to championing economic development and digitalization consistently across Togo.

The collaboration between IFC and Togocom emerges as a beacon for digital transformation in Togo. With a focus on infrastructure modernization, expanded 4G coverage, and improved connectivity, this partnership is poised to elevate Togo's digital landscape.