
In a groundbreaking achievement, Universal Corporation Limited, a Kenyan pharmaceutical company, has set a significant milestone by becoming the first African manufacturer to receive the World Health Organization (WHO) approval for the production of a life-saving malaria drug. This is a remarkable feat for African healthcare and marks a substantial shift towards self-sufficiency in healthcare solutions for the continent.

The Malaria Drug That's Transforming Lives

The antimalarial drug in question is a combination of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine and amodiaquine, commonly known as Spaq. This drug is pivotal in preventing seasonal malaria, primarily in children, during periods of heightened transmission, such as rainy seasons. Until now, the demand for drugs like Spaq in Africa relied heavily on imports of generic versions from countries like India and China.

This new development, with WHO's seal of approval, signifies a departure from this overreliance on imported medications. The opportunity to manufacture this crucial drug within Africa not only addresses an immediate healthcare need but also represents a stride towards the continent's self-sufficiency in providing essential health solutions.

Challenges and Triumphs: WHO Approval Opens Doors

Africa has long grappled with a healthcare system heavily reliant on imported drugs, with more than 70% of medicines used on the continent being imported. The journey to local production of high-quality drugs has been hindered by several factors, including high operational costs, inadequate technical expertise, insufficient investment in the pharmaceutical sector, and concerns regarding drug regulation and quality.

Notably, the issue of falsified or substandard antimalarials has been a persistent problem, causing up to 116,000 deaths in sub-Saharan Africa annually. The WHO approval signifies a significant leap forward. It acknowledges that a company's manufacturing processes and quality control meet international standards. This not only facilitates entry into new markets but also attracts large buyers, including donor-driven organizations that play a vital role in providing healthcare solutions in the region.

Tackling Malaria: A Pressing Concern

The approval from WHO is not just a regulatory formality. It holds the promise of speeding up malaria elimination efforts. While the number of people affected by malaria in Africa has decreased consistently over the last two decades, funding for this critical cause has plateaued in recent years, raising concerns among health experts about potential regression.

The significance of drugs like Spaq in malaria control cannot be understated. This affordable and accessible solution is a lifeline in the fight against malaria. It's especially effective in protecting children under five, who account for almost 80% of malaria-related deaths in Africa. Malaria organizations stress the importance of prevention therapies, like Spaq, which provided effective protection to over 48 million children across more than a dozen African countries in the Sahel region just last year.

The Bigger Picture: Local Production and a Resilient Healthcare System

The call for boosting local production capacity in Africa has grown stronger in recent years. The COVID-19 pandemic exposed vulnerabilities in healthcare distribution and vaccine protectionism. As Africa aims for more self-reliance, it's about ensuring supply security.

Studies indicate that using Spaq in combination with malaria vaccines offers better protection for children under five than relying solely on one intervention. As more malaria vaccines are gradually introduced across the continent, accessibility remains a challenge, and antimalarial drugs continue to play a critical role in malaria prevention.

The Road Ahead: A Brighter Future for Africa

Africa's push to enhance its local production capacity is now more urgent than ever. The need for a "closer to market" approach, especially for malaria treatments, is vital. Africa is home to over 95% of global malaria cases and deaths, making local manufacturing crucial. By meeting WHO quality standards, African antimalarial drug producers are better equipped to compete on the global stage.

Moving forward, it's essential for African countries to support free trade agreements, such as the African Continental Free Trade Area. These agreements can facilitate the exchange of manufactured medicines within the region, reducing tariff barriers and promoting competition.

As Joy Phumaphi, Executive Secretary of the African Leaders Malaria Alliance, aptly puts it, "If governments, procurement agencies, and other stakeholders support and prioritize this agenda, millions of children and pregnant women living in Africa could be protected from malaria." The WHO approval is not just a certification; it's a beacon of hope for a healthier, more resilient Africa.