
Cape Town- and London-based technology company Suppple has announced the launch of an AI-driven health bot designed to provide digital healthcare assistance to all 54 member states of the African Union (AU). This innovation aims to establish a new public health order for the African continent.

A New Era in Healthcare Response

The AI health bot is set to transform how healthcare crises are managed in Africa through its advanced data-sharing capabilities. According to Suppple CEO Professor Eldrid Jordaan, "The AI health bot will revolutionize how we respond to healthcare crises in Africa through its data-sharing capabilities. It can provide public and private stakeholders with access to healthcare data in real-time, offering a centralized dashboard of information to any government official or healthcare administrator in Africa."

Tracing Infections and Hotspots

This state-of-the-art AI bot will trace infection outbreaks and identify hotspots, providing crucial digital healthcare assistance across the continent. This initiative represents a significant step towards more effective and timely responses to healthcare emergencies.

Leadership and Expertise

Suppple was founded by Professor Eldrid Jordaan, former special advisor to the Minister of Public Enterprises and Advisory Board Member at Mxit, and Goitse Konopi, former CEO and Chief Data Officer of GovChat. Suppple was incorporated and registered in the UK last year.

Symbol of Resilience

In a joint statement, the co-founders explained that 'Suppple' is derived from a synonym for resilience, symbolizing the creation of social impact through public-private partnerships. "Our AI health bot learns from consumer input, aiming to be a strategic tool for healthcare and regulatory bodies in Africa," the statement reads.

Collaboration with AU and Africa CDC

"We are delighted to provide real-time data analytics with the AU and the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) to support the development and deployment of solutions that will ultimately revolutionize how we respond to pandemics and outbreaks in the future," Jordaan told Engineering News.

Interactive Conversational Experience

The chatbot, driven by an application programming interface (API), offers an interactive conversational experience. Consumers can use it to learn more about their health symptoms or conditions, making healthcare information more accessible and user-friendly.