
In the bustling landscape of South African entrepreneurship, stories of visionaries creating impactful businesses are aplenty. Among these narratives stands out the journey of Lufuno Rasoesoe, the visionary founder of Lajoya Holdings (Pty) Ltd, trading as TOSH Detergents. With a passion for economic empowerment and sustainability, Lufuno embarked on a journey to not only build a successful business but also uplift communities and promote environmental stewardship.

The Genesis of TOSH Detergents

In 2021, Lufuno Rasoesoe founded TOSH Detergents with a clear vision in mind - to participate in economic empowerment through a manufacturing business that benefits communities, especially women and youth. Inspired by her desire to create opportunities for financial stability and self-sufficiency, Lufuno developed a unique business model centered around contract manufacturing. This model enables women in communities to purchase bulk quantities of detergents, repackage them, and sell them, thus creating employment opportunities and fostering entrepreneurship.

Mission and Values

At the heart of TOSH Detergents lies a compelling mission and a set of core values that guide its operations:

TOSH Detergents envisions becoming the pre-eminent partner of choice for manufacturing high-quality, affordable, and sustainable cleaning detergents in Africa and beyond.


To penetrate the African market and maximize product value by leveraging unique ingredients that care for customers and the environment.

Core Values

- Integrity

- Innovation

- Accountability

- Teamwork

- Honesty

- Respect

- Collaboration

- Transparency

- Courage

Product Offerings and Sustainability Focus

TOSH Detergents offers a diverse range of cleaning detergents made from pure extracts of raw materials, ensuring gentleness on users and the environment alike. The products focus on sustainability, aligning with the goal of building sustainable cities and communities. By choosing TOSH Detergents, consumers contribute to environmental conservation and promote a greener future for generations to come.

Revenue Generation and Market Focus

The company generates revenue primarily through sales to mass markets and retail stores. Its target demographic includes working-class women aged 25-45, reflecting a strategic approach to understanding and meeting the needs of its customer base. Through social media platforms and Google forms, TOSH Detergents ensures widespread outreach and customer engagement, fostering brand loyalty and retention.

Setting Apart Through Innovation and Recognition

What sets TOSH Detergents apart from competitors is its commitment to manufacturing products that are environmentally friendly, effective, and attractively packaged. This dedication to innovation and sustainability has earned the company accolades such as the "Best Green SME Business 2023" by GIZ & Johannesburg Chamber of Commerce and Institute. Additionally, TOSH Detergents has been recognized by the United Nations as the "Best Young Entrepreneur 2022," highlighting its pioneering efforts in sustainable manufacturing.

Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Growth

Like any entrepreneurial venture, TOSH Detergents has faced its share of challenges, including financial constraints, market competition, and operational scalability. However, through resilience, strategic partnerships, and a commitment to continuous improvement, Lufuno Rasoesoe has navigated these hurdles and positioned the company for sustainable growth and success.

Vision for the Future and Empowering Communities

Looking ahead, TOSH Detergents aims to expand its global footprint, focusing on market penetration, employee development, operational excellence, and community engagement. By embracing sustainability, social responsibility, and innovation, the company aspires to be a catalyst for positive change, empowering communities, and fostering economic development.

Advice to Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Lufuno Rasoesoe's journey offers valuable lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs:

- Develop resilience and perseverance to overcome challenges.

- Stay true to your values and commit to sustainability and social responsibility.

- Embrace innovation and continuous improvement to stay ahead of the competition.

- Foster community engagement and empower those around you to create a lasting impact.