Unveiling alGROWithm's GTAP Initiative

In a groundbreaking move back in March 2022, alGROWithm captured attention with the announcement of the Growth Talent Accelerator Program (GTAP). This visionary initiative marked Africa's first-ever Growth Talent Accelerator Program, set to reshape talent development in the African tech startup ecosystem. Now, with a significant injection of funding from Digital Africa, alGROWithm is gearing up to take its transformative GTAP to new heights.

Digital Africa's Strategic Investment

The funding from Digital Africa is a game-changer, not just for alGROWithm but for the entire African tech startup ecosystem. It symbolizes a crucial milestone for alGROWithm, paving the way for innovative talent-driven pathways to foster sustainable growth. This strategic investment positions alGROWithm as a leading force in transformative initiatives, set to make a lasting impact on the African tech landscape.

Leveraging Funding for Expansion

Looking ahead, alGROWithm plans to leverage the funding strategically. Two key initiatives will be the focus: offering scholarships to aspiring Growth Hackers, enabling their participation in the GTAP programs, and expanding the reach of training initiatives into untapped African markets. This dual approach underscores alGROWithm's commitment to fostering growth not only within the organization but also across the broader African tech ecosystem.

Expanding GTAP Reach

GTAP, now a flagship feature of alGROWithm Academy's EdTech offerings, is expanding its reach. Beyond Nigeria and Ghana, the program is now open to applicants from Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, and South Africa. The move aims to democratize access to growth-focused education, creating a more inclusive environment for aspiring Growth Hackers across multiple African nations. The upcoming application window for the next cohort is set to close in February.

GTAP Program Offerings

alGROWithm has identified and addressed critical needs in the ecosystem, leading to the introduction of two program flavors: GTAP Lite and GTAP Pro. GTAP Lite, a 100% online version, caters to individual Growth enthusiasts, offering flexibility and accessibility. On the other hand, GTAP Pro focuses on companies, empowering them to upskill their existing teams. With a hybrid delivery structure, GTAP Pro combines in-person Growth Hacking bootcamps with online lectures and workshops.

Success Stories and Ongoing Commitment

Bili Sule, Founder & Chief Growth Officer, highlights the success of the GTAP Pro model, citing collaborations with companies like Paga, Figorr, and Kebble. The positive outcomes from these engagements have reinforced the decision to offer both GTAP Lite and GTAP Pro moving forward. In the coming year, alGROWithm aims to train over 150 Growth Leads across East, West, and Southern Africa, reinforcing its commitment to bridging the Growth talent gap.

Joining the Elite Ranks of Growth Engineers

For those aspiring to become part of Africa's elite Growth Engineers, alGROWithm's GTAP is more than just a program; it's a transformative journey. As alGROWithm expands its reach, the GTAP promises to reshape the narrative of talent development, unlocking new possibilities for African businesses and creating a legacy of growth and innovation.

Interested candidates and companies may apply for the February or July 2024 cohort intakes [here].