Empowering African Youth in Tourism

In a bold initiative to empower young and innovative minds in the travel and tourism sector, the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) presents the Youth in Tourism Innovation Challenge 2024. This exclusive platform provides a unique opportunity for African youth to showcase their projects on a global stage, seeking vital support in the form of funding, partnerships, and mentorship.

A Gateway to Global Recognition

The UNWTO Youth in Tourism Innovation Challenge 2024 serves as a gateway for visionary African youth, offering a chance to present their projects to the global marketplace. As they navigate the complexities of the travel and tourism industry, participants aim to secure the essential backing needed to propel their programs forward.

Requirements: Navigating the Path to Success

1. Vision, Uniqueness, Authenticity, and Rationale

Applicants are tasked with clearly articulating the vision, uniqueness, authenticity, and rationale behind their projects. This foundational step sets the tone for a compelling presentation that captures the essence of their innovative endeavors.

2. Evidence of Innovation in Travel & Tourism

In the context of the COVID-19 era and beyond, participants must provide concrete evidence of how their projects address challenges in the travel and tourism industry. This evidence can span various domains, including technological advancements, social entrepreneurship, education, youth empowerment, job creation, environmental sustainability, and community development.

3. Sustainability Impact

A critical aspect is showcasing the sustainability of the project's impact on travel and tourism, local communities, and related industries. Successful applicants will demonstrate a thoughtful and enduring contribution to the broader ecosystem.

4. Timelines and Support Requirements

Clarity on project timelines and the specific support needed, whether in funding, investor engagement, mentorship, partnerships, or other forms of support, is paramount. A detailed roadmap and the identification of key requirements set the stage for effective collaboration.

5. Conclusion and Additional Insights

Applicants are invited to conclude their submissions with a concise conclusion or relevant information, not exceeding 500 words. This section serves as an opportunity to leave a lasting impression on the adjudicators.

6. Competitor Demonstration

A crucial component involves competitors showcasing a demo or Minimum Viable Product (MVP) during the presentation, providing tangible evidence of the project's feasibility and innovation.

7. Age Limit and Timeline

Applicants must adhere to the age limit of 35 years. The submission timeline includes key milestones such as the closing date on March 1st, 2024, shortlisting of the top 5 on March 22nd, and the announcement of winners and runners-up in October 2024.

Benefits: Seeds of Growth and Learning Opportunities

The UNWTO Youth in Tourism Innovation Challenge 2024 offers a range of benefits to participants, including:

- $1000.00 grant seed for the winner.

- $500.00 grant seed for 1st and 2nd runner-up.

- Complimentary enrollment in short courses provided by UNWTO.

- Mentorship, partnership opportunities, potential funding support, and career prospects.

- Inclusion in an established network of Africa Youth in Tourism Mentors and Innovators.

Shaping the Future of Tourism Innovation

As young African innovators embark on this transformative challenge, the UNWTO sets the stage for a future where their groundbreaking ideas contribute to the evolution of the global travel and tourism landscape. For detailed information and application, visit: link