
In the vibrant landscape of Nigerian entrepreneurship, Maryam Adebusola Adeola stands out as a beacon of innovation and cultural preservation. As the founder of Explore Africa with The Moria and The Ominira Textiles and Apparels, both operating under The Ominira Hub Nigeria Ltd, Maryam has woven her passion for African heritage and sustainable development into thriving businesses. Her journey is a testament to the power of vision, resilience, and a deep-rooted commitment to making a meaningful impact.

Inspiration and Genesis

Maryam's entrepreneurial journey is driven by a profound desire to promote African heritage and contribute to the continent's economic growth. Her inspiration stems from a lifelong passion for making impactful contributions through her ventures. "In everything I do in life, business, projects, programmes, relationships, name it, I strive to make impacts," Maryam explains. This drive led her to envision a future where African tourism flourishes and fashion celebrates the continent's rich culture.

The inception of Explore Africa with The Moria is particularly intriguing. Initially, Maryam dreamed of becoming wealthy enough to invest in grand hotels and tourist attractions in Africa. However, fate had different plans. A serendipitous suggestion from a contact to start touring Ibadan and creating content ignited the spark. "I hesitated but I later hopped on it and as a Great Mind that I am, that little suggestion I took it BIG. Here we are, building!" she recalls.

For The Ominira Textiles and Apparels, Maryam's love for Afrocentric fashion played a crucial role. Combining her passion for fashion with her commitment to African culture, she created a brand that empowers individuals through culturally inspired clothing.

Business Overview

Explore Africa with The Moria aims to promote tourism in Africa, encouraging both Africans and non-Africans to explore and appreciate the continent's diverse landscapes, cultures, and histories. The brand's mission is to motivate exploration and learning, fostering a deeper connection with Africa. Its vision is to become a global leader in sustainable tourism, creating memorable experiences and embarking on projects that enhance the world's livability.

The Ominira Textiles and Apparels is an Afrocentric fashion brand dedicated to promoting African culture through stylish and sustainable clothing. The brand aspires to dress individuals as kings and queens in affordable AfroFashion, celebrating African heritage with every piece.

Products and Services

Explore Africa with The Moria offers a wide range of services, including private tours, group tours, family holidays, hotel and restaurant reservations, consultancy, and stay bookings. These services are designed to provide comprehensive and enriching travel experiences.

The Ominira Textiles and Apparels specializes in Afrocentric fashion, offering products such as Adire fabrics, Aso-ofi textiles, ready-to-wear Adire and Aso-ofi clothing, and a variety of Afrocentric accessories. Each product embodies the brand's commitment to cultural celebration and sustainability.

Target Market and Unique Value Proposition

Explore Africa with The Moria targets travel enthusiasts aged 18-45, both within and outside Africa. This demographic is characterized by a curiosity about the world and a desire to experience new cultures. The brand's unique value lies in its emphasis on sustainable tourism. Unlike many competitors who merely promote travel, The Moria educates its audience on responsible and ethical tourism, encouraging them to be change-makers.

The Ominira Textiles and Apparels appeals to fashion-conscious individuals who appreciate Afrocentric styles. The brand stands out by making sustainable fashion accessible to all social classes, offering high-quality, culturally inspired clothing without the prohibitive price tag.

Milestones and Achievements

Despite the challenges of being a student entrepreneur, Maryam has achieved significant milestones. Explore Africa with The Moria has successfully organized events like The Quarter Hangout and reached key social media milestones, including gaining over 1,000 followers on Instagram. The brand has also gained recognition within the University of Ibadan community.

Maryam's efforts have not gone unnoticed. She was recently featured in the SME 100 Africa IWD Magazine and was honored as one of the SME 100 Africa 25 Under 25, Class of 2023. These accolades underscore her impact and potential in the entrepreneurial landscape.

Challenges and Resilience

Running a startup is fraught with challenges, and Maryam's journey is no exception. Consistency, financial constraints, and limited human resources have posed significant obstacles. "We lack the financial power to travel everywhere and document content," she notes, explaining how she leverages research and internet resources to meet audience expectations. The absence of dedicated personnel for roles like videography and social media management has also been a hurdle. However, Maryam's adaptability shines through as she takes on multiple roles to ensure her brands' continuous presence and growth.

Vision for the Future

Maryam's long-term vision is rooted in making a lasting impact. She envisions a future where African tourism and fashion are celebrated globally, contributing to the continent's economic and cultural renaissance. For Explore Africa with The Moria, the goal is to promote sustainable tourism and create memorable experiences that foster a deep appreciation for Africa. The Ominira Textiles and Apparels aims to revolutionize the fashion industry by making Afrocentric styles mainstream and accessible.

Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Maryam's advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is both practical and inspirational: "Entrepreneurship is the key to making wealth, but never make it about you. Use it to change the world and all you want will come to you. And don't forget, entrepreneurship is not for the weak." Her journey exemplifies the power of resilience, passion, and a vision that transcends personal gain.