In February 2020, Joy Wambui founded Goodhire Consultants, a trailblazing recruitment firm in Kenya. Specializing in resume writing, interview advisory, and job placements, the company goes beyond conventional recruitment by offering financial literacy advice, fostering a holistic approach to career development.

Background and Inception

Joy Wambui's venture into entrepreneurship was fueled by her diverse experience in Legal, Energy, Telecommunications, and Retail industries. She identified a stark disconnect between job seekers and employers, prompting her to establish Goodhire Consultants. Spotting a gap in employee-employer relations, particularly in understanding each other's perspectives, became the driving force for Joy. Her commitment to mental health advocacy adds a unique dimension to Goodhire's mission, emphasizing the crucial link between a fulfilling work environment and mental well-being.

Services and Values

Goodhire's services include recruitment, CV writing, and interview preparation, providing end-to-end support for individuals navigating the competitive job market. Built on the pillars of Integrity, Innovation, Excellence, and Employee Centricity, Goodhire is committed to not only filling job roles but ensuring a harmonious fit between individuals and organizations.

Target Market and Customer Strategies

Goodhire caters to entry-level candidates aged 24-40 in East Africa and small to medium enterprises seeking top talent to fuel their growth. The company focuses on understanding clients deeply, ensuring value-driven hires, creating standout resumes, and providing free job advertisements to job seekers.

Competitive Edge and Achievements

Goodhire's 5 Cs - Competence, Communication, Collaboration, Commitment, and Character - set it apart. The company negotiates favorable terms for candidates, offers a fresh graduate perspective, and freely shares job advertisements.

The company has played a pivotal role in shaping the employability of university students, mentoring them on effective resumes. Goodhire has successfully recruited for diverse industries such as Information Technology, Renewable Energy, Tourism, Retail, and Humanitarian sectors.

Overcoming Challenges

Scaling up has been a challenge due to economic constraints. Despite this, Goodhire is making the most of its resources while seeking investors to facilitate expansion. Goodhire prioritizes mental health, ensuring that every placed employee is mentally healthy and valuable. The company contributes to a mental health foundation, offering funding for professional help.

Long-term Vision

Joy envisions a physical office for Goodhire, fostering deeper client trust and enhancing the company's footprint. Her advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is simple yet powerful: "Just start. Where you are, without what you have… then keep repeating and innovating new ways to achieve goals. There’s power in starting."