
Zambian tech startups are being given a unique opportunity to accelerate their growth and secure funding through MentorPitch, a 12-week mentoring programme specifically designed for startups that have moved beyond the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) stage. This initiative aims to help these startups expand their early adopter customer base while preparing them for potential investment from angel investors.

MentorPitch Programme Overview

The MentorPitch Programme, organized by the Zambia Business Angels Network (ZBAN) in collaboration with BongoHive and TVC Labs, is calling on startup founders with tech-based products or services to apply. This programme offers a structured approach to growth, guiding startups through the critical stages of business development.

Building a Solid Foundation

The primary goal of the MentorPitch Programme is to equip startups with the necessary tools and knowledge to complete their business plans, develop compelling pitch decks, and fulfill other due diligence requirements essential for attracting angel investment. Throughout the 12 weeks, participants will engage in weekly assignments that are designed to enhance their readiness for funding and ensure they are well-prepared to present their businesses to potential investors.

Mentorship with a Purpose

A standout feature of the MentorPitch Programme is its focus on "mentors as angels." At the end of the programme, the mentors—who are also potential angel investors—will evaluate the startups and decide which ones to fund. This direct connection between mentorship and investment makes MentorPitch an invaluable opportunity for startups seeking both guidance and financial backing.