Empowering Women

The Climate Gender Equity Fund (CGEF), a groundbreaking public-private partnership committed to catalyzing gender equity in climate finance, celebrates a significant milestone. A year since its inception, CGEF proudly announces the selection of the first cohort of women-led organizations set to receive grants. These grants are strategically directed towards propelling gender-equitable climate action in Africa.

Catalysts of Change

Three distinguished organizations form the inaugural cohort of CGEF grantees, each spearheading transformative initiatives:

1. The Clean Technology Hub (Nigeria): A women-led acceleration hub in Nigeria, dedicated to scaling innovative climate technologies.

2. WomanHub (South Africa): An accelerator with a focus on supporting female founders in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields.

3. M-Kayla Ventures (Kenya): An incubator that centers its efforts on empowering women entrepreneurs engaged in climate-smart agriculture solutions.

Founding Members and Their Vision

The founding members of CGEF, including USAID, Amazon, Reckitt, Visa Foundation, and The UPS Foundation, have collectively pledged $20 million to the fund. Notably, USAID announced an additional $5 million during the COP28 climate change conference, fortifying the commitment to drive impactful change.

Funding the Future: A Holistic Approach

The allocated funds will be strategically utilized over the coming years to extend additional grants to a diverse spectrum of entities, encompassing businesses, investment vehicles, accelerators, incubators, and grassroots organizations. The primary focus remains on supporting initiatives that are women-led and foster climate solutions benefitting women. CGEF anticipates unveiling additional grantees in the near future, signaling a sustained commitment to its transformative agenda.

A Visionary Partnership: USAID Chief Climate Officer's Perspective

Gillian Caldwell, Chief Climate Officer at USAID, expresses enthusiasm, stating, “We are thrilled to announce the first cohort of women-led organizations to receive grants from the Climate Gender Equity Fund to advance gender-equitable climate action around the world.” She underscores the pivotal role of partnerships with CGEF's founding members—Amazon, Visa Foundation, Reckitt, and The UPS Foundation—in making this progress possible. The strategic investment in women is not merely a moral imperative but a forward-thinking approach aligned with global sustainability goals.

As CGEF charts its course toward fostering gender equity and climate resilience, these inaugural grants mark the initiation of transformative initiatives that promise to reshape the landscape of climate action in Africa and beyond.