
In a groundbreaking move to revolutionize agriculture in Kenya and beyond, Apollo Agriculture, a leading agri-fintech startup, has secured a substantial $10 million in funding from Swedfund and ImpactConnect. This financial injection marks a significant milestone for the startup, propelling its mission to empower smallholder farmers across Africa through modern technology, strategic financing, and digital advice.

Enhancing Farming Through Technology

Apollo Agriculture employs cutting-edge technology, including machine learning and automation, to address the unique challenges faced by smallholder farmers. The startup focuses on providing these farmers with access to high-quality inputs, strategic financing solutions, and digital guidance through its platform. This approach not only boosts profitability but also encourages the adoption of sustainable farming practices.

Impact and Reach

Since its inception, Apollo Agriculture has already made a considerable impact, reaching over 350,000 farmers in Kenya and Zambia. The newly acquired funding will fuel the startup's expansion within Kenya, extending its reach to more farmers and providing them with the essential digital tools and financial support needed for success.

Climate Resilience and Food Security

Apollo Agriculture goes beyond immediate gains by equipping farmers with the knowledge and resources to adapt to climate change. This focus on climate resilience contributes to long-term food security across Africa. The partnership with Swedfund and ImpactConnect signifies a strategic move to accelerate Apollo Agriculture's transformative impact on agriculture in the region.

Transformative Growth Ahead

The funding not only positions Apollo Agriculture for rapid scaling within Kenya but also unlocks the potential to serve an additional 400,000 farmers during the loan’s term. Eli Pollak, the CEO of Apollo Agriculture, expressed gratitude for the trust and confidence placed in their vision by both Swedfund and ImpactConnect. The startup looks forward to achieving transformative growth and making a lasting difference in the lives of farmers and communities across Africa.