
In the heart of Tanzania, Mwanaidi Mwilima is paving the way for positive transformation through her social enterprise, Jollie Reusable Pads and Accessories Limited. Established in 2019, the company is on a mission to revolutionize the experience of menstruation, particularly in regions where awareness is limited and the repercussions on female health are profound.

Mission & Vision

Jollie's mission revolves around transforming menstruation experiences through reusable products and relevant education. The vision extends to a world where girls live healthy, safe, and educated lives, defining their own purpose. Core values of inclusivity, curiosity, and positivity underscore every aspect of Jollie's work.

Inspiration Behind the Venture

Mwanaidi Mwilima, a 38-year-old woman with a global educational background, draws inspiration from her privilege to give back to her less fortunate community. The catalyst was an encounter with a young girl unable to attend school due to lack of sanitary towels. This experience sparked Mwanaidi's commitment to tackling period poverty, cultural taboos, and the need for sustainable social impact.

Products and Services

Jollie Reusable Pads and Accessories Limited is a social enterprise dedicated to producing, distributing, and promoting reusable sanitary pads. Beyond products, the company is actively involved in educating young girls in rural areas about menstrual health, breaking stigmas, and fostering awareness.

Revenue Generation and Business Model

The business model includes manufacturing, marketing, fundraising, and partnerships. Revenue streams are diversified, encompassing product sales, educational initiatives, and collaborations with organizations and NGOs.

Target Market and Customer Demographics

Jollie targets menstruating girls aged 10 to 19 in both rural and urban areas, along with women aged 20 to 50. Employment opportunities are also a focus, empowering women in villages with training not only in product manufacturing but also in reproductive health, hygiene, and business skills.

Differentiation and Unique Value Proposition

What sets Jollie apart is its local manufacturing, emphasizing eco-friendly reusable pads at an affordable cost. The company's holistic approach combines product sales with comprehensive education programs, ensuring both comfort and long-term savings for women.

Milestones and Achievements

Jollie has achieved significant milestones, including TMDA certification, a profit margin of 40%, and a return on investment of 30%. The business has been recognized with awards such as the 2021 Best Innovation Award of The Year and the 2022 Best Health Sector Business.

Challenges and Overcoming Adversity

Over the years, Jollie faced challenges in building menstrual hygiene management as a sector and operating as a social business in Africa. The team navigated cultural taboos, market shifts, and the need to balance profit with social impact. Challenges were met with innovative solutions and a commitment to the broader goal of empowering women.

Innovation and Staying Ahead

Jollie's innovation lies in local manufacturing, using quality fabrics for reusable pads, and actively contributing to sustainable development goals. The company has not only created jobs but also developed a toolkit for partners and invested in holistic menstrual hygiene management.

Long-Term Vision and Growth Strategy

Jollie aims to be a leader in Tanzania's menstrual hygiene industry, expanding globally and innovating its product range. Strategic alliances with organizations and a continuous focus on social impact underpin the long-term vision.

Advice to Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Mwanaidi's advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is to stay humble, maintain a growth mindset, and embrace a continuous learning character. The journey may be challenging, but with an enquiring mind and daring spirit, success becomes attainable.

Mwanaidi Mwilima's journey with Jollie Reusable Pads and Accessories Limited is a testament to the power of entrepreneurship in driving social change. Breaking barriers and fostering empowerment, the company is not only revolutionizing menstrual health but also creating a ripple effect of positive impact in communities across Tanzania and beyond.