Unveiling the Champion

In a thrilling finale to the Niproptech N2 million proptech "Pitch2Win" competition, Redcity, a proptech startup based in Oyo, secured victory and the coveted N2 million prize. This annual competition is renowned for spotlighting the most promising proptech entrepreneurs in Nigeria, providing a platform for innovators to address critical proptech challenges and drive progress.

Redcity's Genesis

Founded by Morountodun Obaigbo in 2022, Redcity boasts a unique approach to solving infrastructure challenges in Africa. Obaigbo, with a background in design engineering, leveraged her years of experience as a product designer, design engineer, and business developer to give birth to Redcity. The startup operates as a proptech platform, enabling users to personalize and order modular structures seamlessly through an online interface. What sets Redcity apart is its commitment to sustainable engineering techniques in developing these structures.

Revolutionizing Proptech

Redcity's platform not only facilitates commerce but also reaches remote communities, fostering socio-economic communities' revival post-climate change disruptions. Since its inception, the startup has successfully executed over 15 projects spanning Nigeria, Egypt, and South Sudan. The website, launched in October 2023, has garnered significant attention, welcoming nearly 5,000 visitors from across Africa.

Collaborative Innovation

A testament to its impact, Redcity has forged partnerships with several sustainable, electric vehicle (EV), and commerce companies. These collaborations aim to develop modular structures that not only support the growth of small businesses but also contribute to establishing sustainably engineered infrastructures for EV and commerce entities.

Forward Momentum

Looking ahead to 2024, Redcity is on the brink of finalizing distribution partnerships in Kenya and Nigeria. These strategic alliances are poised to propel the company to new heights, expanding its operational reach and diversifying its array of available products.

Redcity's triumph in the Niproptech competition is not just a victory for the startup but also a testament to the innovative strides within the proptech landscape. With a commitment to sustainable solutions and a vision for empowering communities, Redcity is undoubtedly a rising star in Africa's proptech arena.