
MEST Africa, the renowned Meltwater Entrepreneurial School of Technology, is excited to announce the opening of applications for its Class of 2025. This fully sponsored 12-month program, headquartered in Accra, stands as a beacon for aspiring entrepreneurs looking to carve their path in the dynamic world of technology startups.

About the Program

The comprehensive training program spans various modules, including software development, go-to-market strategies, sales strategies, UI/UX Design, communications, and more. With a mission to empower budding entrepreneurs, MEST Africa aims to transform innovative ideas into viable startup businesses.

Bridging Ideas to Businesses

The one-year program gears candidates to pitch their startup ideas for funding and provides the necessary skills to launch businesses addressing local and global challenges through software technology. Participants delve into an extensive curriculum and receive mentorship from industry leaders and international experts, setting the stage for securing seed funding and business incubation for their tech/software startups.

MEST’s Impact: A Pan-African Tech Talent Hub

MEST's impact resonates across the continent, having trained over 1000 entrepreneurs and facilitated the growth of more than 90 funded startups. This is a testament to MEST Africa's commitment to nurturing pan-African tech talent and fostering a thriving ecosystem.

Director’s Vision

Emily Fiagbedzi, Director of the MEST Training Program, shares insights into the program's mission, stating, "Our mission at MEST is to empower the next generation of African tech innovators. The Class of 2025 presents an exciting opportunity to nurture and elevate the brightest minds, equipping them with the skills and resources needed to drive impactful change across the continent through their tech startups."

Who Can Apply?

To be eligible, applicants must hold a degree from a reputable university or technical college or showcase equivalent experience. Beyond academic qualifications, a blend of entrepreneurial or corporate work experience is crucial. What truly sets candidates apart is a fervent passion for launching a software company in Africa. Soft skills, including leadership qualities and effective communication abilities, are also emphasized.

Key Dates for Aspiring Innovators

Applicants should mark their calendars with the following key dates:

Application Deadline: March 18, 2024

Ready to embark on this transformative journey? Submit your applications [here] and be part of the Class of 2025 that shapes the future of African tech innovation.