
In a world where traditional education often overlooks essential life skills, Chimfwembe Emeldah Mulenga, the founder of Zed Kidpreneur, is pioneering a transformative approach to childhood education in Zambia. Inspired by her personal experiences and a passion for creating a generation equipped with valuable life skills, Chimfwembe embarked on a journey to empower young minds through Zed Kidpreneur.

Origins and Inspiration

Zed Kidpreneur emerged in 2013 as a response to the gaps in the traditional education system. Chimfwembe's personal journey highlighted the lack of emphasis on crucial life skills, especially in financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and public speaking. Reflecting on her experiences growing up and recognizing the missed opportunities for financial education, Chimfwembe was inspired to pave the way for the next generation.

"Growing up, our education system only focused on teaching general education, not what is beyond just education. We were never taught to handle money, leading to many financial mistakes. My personal experience prompted me to allow the next generation to learn these skills from a young age," says Chimfwembe.

Mission and Vision

Zed Kidpreneur is more than an academy; it's a movement with a mission to mentor children between the ages of 4 and 18 in personal growth topics and life skills. The academy's vision is to develop well-rounded, confident, and responsible individuals who aspire to achieve their full potential. By creating a safe, respectful, and nurturing environment, Zed Kidpreneur aims to maximize each child's sense of well-being and equip them with skills for life and learning.

Diverse Offerings

Zed Kidpreneur stands out with its diverse range of tailor-made activities for children, covering essential life skills such as financial literacy, public speaking, entrepreneurship, skill development, health and fitness, and climate change awareness. The academy offers weekly and holiday classes, mentorship programs in collaboration with corporate organizations, and a variety of engaging activities like fairs, aerobics, competitions, tours, and holiday camps.

Chimfwembe emphasizes, "We do not only create a class atmosphere for children but engage them in many activities that are fun and allow them to learn at the same time."

Business Model and Sustainability

Zed Kidpreneur operates on a business-to-business (B2B), business-to-customer (B2C), and business-to-government (B2G) basis. The academy generates revenue through class registrations, corporate mentorship partnerships, and various activities and events. This multi-faceted approach ensures financial sustainability while delivering impactful programs.

Target Market and Differentiation

The academy's target market comprises parents across Zambia with children aged 4-18. Zed Kidpreneur sets itself apart through an innovative team that creates tailor-made activities for children. Their passion for working with all types of children, coupled with a commitment to fostering a supportive learning environment, adds unique value that resonates with parents seeking holistic development for their children.

Milestones and Achievements

Zed Kidpreneur has achieved remarkable milestones since its inception. With over 5,000 children reached across Zambia, the academy has been recognized twice by the Central Bank for having the Most Innovative Financial Education Program. The launch of their website and hosting Zambia's first-ever Children's Financial Literacy Fair further underscore their commitment to innovative education.

Awards and Recognitions

The academy's excellence has been acknowledged through prestigious awards, including the Bank of Zambia Governors Financial Literacy Award, where Zed Kidpreneur won Most Innovative Financial Education Program in 2021 and secured 2nd Runner up in 2022.

Success Stories and Impact

Zed Kidpreneur's impact extends beyond accolades. Through partnerships with organizations like Children International Zambia, the academy has mentored 50 youths, empowering them to open and run businesses in their communities. These success stories highlight the tangible difference Zed Kidpreneur is making in the lives of young individuals.

Advice to Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Chimfwembe Emeldah Mulenga leaves aspiring entrepreneurs with valuable advice: "When you have a dream, always believe in it yourself. Entrepreneurship is not an easy journey, and it gets rough and lonely many times. Be proud of every step in your journey, and know that in due time, everything will happen. Keep soaring, keep growing, and stay strong."

Zed Kidpreneur, under the visionary leadership of Chimfwembe Emeldah Mulenga, stands as a beacon of innovative education in Zambia. By instilling essential life skills in the hearts and minds of young learners, Zed Kidpreneur is shaping a generation that is not only academically proficient but also equipped for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.