
In the bustling world of entrepreneurship, where innovation meets passion, Mutinta Chibala stands out as the founder of Cooh Kids zm, Zambia's pioneering anime and movie merchandise store. Her journey from a simple idea to a thriving business is a testament to vision, determination, and a deep understanding of her market.

Inception and Inspiration

Mutinta's entrepreneurial spark ignited from a unique source — a gift from a friend abroad sparked an idea that would transform into Cooh Kids zm. "My best friend brought me an American horror sweatshirt," she recalls, "and every inquiry about it planted the seed for Cooh Kids zm." Recognizing a gap in Zambia's market for merchandise from beloved movies and anime, Mutinta embarked on a mission to bring these passions closer to home.

Established as an online store, Cooh Kids zm quickly carved its niche by offering not just accessories but a gateway to fandoms. "We provide small but highly significant pieces that fans cherish," Mutinta explains. From necklaces and keychains to notebooks and unique hair accessories, Cooh Kids zm caters to a diverse audience eager to express their love for iconic movies and anime series.

Mission and Values

The mission of Cooh Kids zm extends beyond commerce. "We aim to be the first and largest anime store in Zambia," Mutinta reveals, "creating a community hub where fans can engage through events and themed gatherings, fostering creativity and reducing social vices." Integrity, quality, and customer trust form the cornerstone of Cooh Kids zm's values, ensuring every product meets high standards.

Target Market and Customer Engagement

With a target demographic spanning ages 13 to 45, Cooh Kids zm leverages platforms like Instagram to connect with its audience. "Our customers are not just buyers; they're part of our community," Mutinta emphasizes. Interactive features like polls and live streams enable direct feedback, guiding product offerings and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Challenges and Milestones

Like any startup, Cooh Kids zm faced hurdles. "Slow sales and excess stock were initial challenges," Mutinta recalls. Strategic clearance sales and targeted marketing efforts helped overcome these obstacles. Milestones include reaching 1000 followers within the first year, signaling rapid acceptance and growth in the market.

Innovation and Industry Leadership

Staying ahead in the dynamic world of merchandise requires innovation. Cooh Kids zm aligns product launches with movie premieres and trends, maximizing relevance and appeal. "Our Black Panther collection ahead of the movie premiere was a standout success," Mutinta shares, highlighting their proactive approach to industry trends.

Sustainability and Social Responsibility

In embracing online retail, Cooh Kids zm adheres to ethical guidelines and local laws. "Respect and top-notch customer care define our interactions," Mutinta asserts, emphasizing sustainable practices and responsible business conduct as integral to their operations.

Future Vision

Looking ahead, Mutinta envisions a hybrid future for Cooh Kids zm — a physical store complementing the online presence. "We aspire to be Southern Africa's anime hub," she envisions, "welcoming tourists and locals alike to explore our unique offerings." Expansion plans align with Zambia's tourism potential, aiming to elevate Cooh Kids zm into a regional icon.

Advice to Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Mutinta's advice echoes her journey: "Dream big, start small, and start now." With persistence and a clear vision, aspiring entrepreneurs can turn passion into a thriving venture, much like Cooh Kids zm.