Dr. Tayo Aduloju Takes the Helm

The Nigerian Economic Summit Group (NESG) welcomes a new era as Dr. Tayo Aduloju assumes the position of Chief Executive Officer (CEO), effective January 1, 2024. With an illustrious background and a wealth of experience, Dr. Aduloju steps into this role, marking a significant milestone for the NESG.

From COO to CEO: Aduloju's Journey within NESG

Prior to his appointment as CEO, Dr. Aduloju held the position of Chief Operating Officer (COO) and Senior Fellow, Economic Policy, Strategy, and Competitiveness at the NESG. His journey within the organization reflects a dedication to advancing economic policies and fostering competitiveness. As the 6th CEO of NESG, he brings a unique blend of scholarly insight, practical experience, and strategic vision.

A Visionary Scholar-Practitioner

Described as a Nigerian scholar-practitioner, economist, policy entrepreneur, and strategist, Dr. Aduloju's impact extends across various socio-economic fields. His contributions encompass reform initiatives in aviation, agriculture, finance, fiscal development, human resources, governance, performance management, investment promotion, maritime, transport policy, and public service reforms.

Presidential Advisor and Network Builder

Before his current role, Dr. Aduloju served as a policy advisor to former Presidents Yar'Adua, Obasanjo, and Buhari. His leadership within NESG includes overseeing the organization's network of national public-private leadership and conversation forums. These forums aim to catalyze the transformation of the Nigerian economy, fostering inclusivity, sustainability, and global competitiveness.

A Scholarly Pursuit of Excellence

Dr. Aduloju's academic journey is impressive, marked by a commitment to continuous learning. He holds a Bachelor of Technology degree from the Federal University of Technology, Akure. Over time, he earned five graduate degrees, including a Master's in Data, Economics, and Development Policy from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Economic Policy and Public Administration.

A Thought Leader and Change Agent

Beyond academic pursuits, Dr. Aduloju has been a thought leader, offering insights on societal change and economic policy. His commentaries, featured in Nigerian print and online media, apply empirical evidence and pragmatism to discussions about economic change. He has also played a crucial role in creating the "In the National Interest" television documentary series, delving into the background and effects of NESG's initiatives.

Engagements and Advisory Roles

Dr. Aduloju's influence extends to various advisory roles, including being the Chair of Country Illicit Financial Flows Mapping Group and the Private Sector Advisor for the Presidential Taskforce on COVID-19. His commitment to sustainable development is evident in his role as the Programme Director for the NESG High-Level Forum on Sustainable Development Goals.

A Future of Innovation and Inclusivity

As Dr. Tayo Aduloju assumes the role of CEO at NESG, the organization enters a phase marked by visionary leadership, innovation, and inclusivity. His multifaceted expertise positions NESG to navigate challenges, drive economic transformation, and contribute meaningfully to Nigeria's journey toward sustainable growth.