
CityBlue Hotels, Africa’s rapidly expanding hotel chain, has taken a strategic equity stake in Farm to Feed, a B2B platform that sources surplus produce directly from farmers. This partnership not only increases farmers' income but also combats food loss, bolstering CityBlue’s ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) credentials and supporting the impact investment strategy of its parent company, The Diar Group.

The Challenge of Food Loss in Sub-Saharan Africa

In Sub-Saharan Africa, as much as 50% of crop production can be lost before it reaches consumers. This significant food loss poses a major challenge for farmers, particularly when it comes to selling imperfect-looking produce.

Market Access Issues

Market access remains a critical issue for farmers who struggle to sell their produce, especially the imperfect varieties. The aftermath of COVID-19 highlighted these challenges, as explained by Claire van Enk, Founder and CEO of Farm to Feed.

Farm to Feed: A Solution for Sustainability

Farm to Feed's tech-enabled platform addresses these challenges by connecting farmers with aggregators and providing transportation solutions using freezer trucks. This approach not only reduces food loss but also sets a new benchmark for food sustainability in Kenya.

Climate Impact and Sustainability

Rotting food contributes to climate change by producing methane, a greenhouse gas more potent than carbon dioxide. Farm to Feed aims to mitigate this by sourcing imperfect produce and collecting data to improve farming practices and create a more circular food system.

Enhancing ESG Practices with Strategic Partnerships

CityBlue Hotels’ investment in Farm to Feed aligns with its commitment to enhancing ESG practices. Jameel Verjee, Founder and CEO of CityBlue Hotels, emphasized the importance of this collaboration at the Africa Hotel Investment Forum 2024 in Windhoek, Namibia.

Verjee encourages other businesses to follow their lead and collaborate with Farm to Feed to address the critical issues of food security, sustainability, and climate change in Africa.