A Game-Changing Collaboration

Grindstone, a leading South African accelerator, joins forces with USAID Southern Africa Mobilising Investment to launch an innovative two-year startup support program. This partnership marks a pivotal moment in the South African entrepreneurial landscape, aiming to revolutionize startup and scale-up support across the region.

A Legacy of Empowering Entrepreneurs

Established in 2013, Grindstone is renowned for its structured entrepreneurship development program, designed to empower high-growth innovation-driven companies. Co-owned by Knife Capital and Thinkroom Limited, Grindstone has successfully completed 16 accelerators, laying the groundwork for numerous startups to scale quickly and sustainably.

A Visionary Initiative: The Two-Year Program

Selected by USAID Mobilising Investment from a pool of 13 grantees in Southern Africa, Grindstone embarks on a transformative journey to support 40 startups annually. Through a meticulously curated program, Grindstone will recruit ventures from its alumni network and the broader entrepreneurial ecosystem, offering unparalleled mentorship and expert coaching.

Elevating Startup Operations

At the heart of the program lies Grindstone Boost, a dynamic back-office solution designed to elevate startup operations. From finance and marketing to branding and technology, Grindstone Boost provides startups with essential services often overlooked in the early stages of growth. By strengthening their financial foundation and optimizing their brand presence, startups can unlock their full potential for scalability.

Empowering Financial Literacy: A Key Focus

Keet van Zyl, co-founder of Grindstone and partner at Knife Capital, emphasizes the importance of solid fundamentals for startup success. Through Grindstone Boost, startups gain access to robust financial reporting and forecasting tools, empowering them to make informed investment decisions. This strategic approach enhances the quality of financial records, benefitting both VCs and investee companies alike.

Nurturing Sustainable Growth

The rollout of Grindstone Boost and the startup support program will unfold over two years, with the first cohort set to commence in July. As Grindstone continues to refine its back-office services, a rolling intake of cohorts will ensure ongoing support and empowerment for South African startups. Through strategic planning and meticulous recruitment, Grindstone paves the way for sustainable growth and success in the entrepreneurial ecosystem.